FEV1(forced expiratory volume in 1 second)
FEV1 is by far the most frequently used index for assessing airway obstruction, bronchoconstriction or bronchodilatation; FEV1 expressed as a percentage of the VC is the standard index for assessing and quantifying airflow limitation.
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FEV1/predicted FEV1 x 100%
吹都有分pre med & post med
FiO2=O2 saturation given, RA is 21%
My little patient:
Kawasaki disease (KD), also known as Kawasaki syndrome, lymph node syndrome andMucocutaneous lymph node syndrome,[1] is an autoimmune disease that manifests as a systemic necrotizing medium-sized vessel vasculitis and is largely seen in children under 5 years of age.
There is often a pre-existing viral infection that may play a role in its pathogenesis.
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a blood product administered intravenously. It contains the pooled IgG (immunoglobulin (antibody) G) extracted from the plasma of over one thousand blood donors. IVIG's effects last between 2 weeks and 3 months. It is mainly used as treatment in three major categories:
- Immune deficiencies such as X-linked agammaglobulinemia, hypogammaglobulinemia (primary immune deficiencies), and acquired compromised immunity conditions (secondary immune deficiencies) featuring low antibody levels.
- Inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
- Acute infections.
-Salicylate therapy
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